Who we are Film Auckland provides a voice for all screen and associated sectors, ensuring the wellbeing and growth of the Auckland screen industry as an important business sector of our country. Film Auckland works continuously to support and facilitate a world class innovative screen industry that is sustainable and internationally competitive. | Our mission is to facilitate success for the Auckland screen community We are future focused, connected, and at the heart of the Auckland industry. We nurture, support, promote, and advise our community, stakeholders, and partners. |
Care, Kaitiaki |
For nearly 20 years, we have advocated and continue to care about our Auckland screen community and the growth of the industry.
Collaboration, Mahi Ngātahi | We work collaboratively with each other, our stakeholders, partners, and our Auckland screen community to deliver on the FAI purpose. |
Contribution, Koha | Everyone’s contribution matters. We respect each other’s voices. |
Genuine, Tūturu | We are thoughtful and purposeful in our intent. |
Support. Tautoko | We support each other and our communities. |
2023-2024 BOARD |
Chair, Grant Baker Grant is the Managing Partner and co-owner of Images & Sound, one of New Zealand’s longest running Post Production facilities based in Auckland. Grant has over 40 years experience in the New Zealand film and television industry starting his career at TVNZ as an audio engineer and later editor before becoming a post production supervisor, eventually joining Images & Sound in 1993 where he has worked on numerous feature films and TV drama productions. |
Vice-Chair, Ngaire Fuata Ngaire is a Company Director of SunPix, Producers of the long-running Pacific Islands television show “Tagata Pasifika”. She's also a Director of SunPix Post (post production house formerly known as VTR and Suite16) and Malo Pasifika Network, the Pacific Islands media content platform, TP+. She started her career in the Maori and Pacific Programmes Department at TVNZ and has over 30 years experience in television production and more recently film. Ngaire is of Rotuman (Fiji Islands) and Dutch descent. |
Treasurer, David Rowell Dave has worked in the Motion Picture industry for over thirty years, contracting to a variety of US, Canadian, New Zealand, Australian, and French productions. He has worked as Financial Controller, Production Accountant, Production Manager, Production Executive and Production Supervisor for various US Studios including Warner Bros, Viacom, Paramount, Disney, Sony Columbia Tristar, 20th Century Fox, and other independents. From 2000 to 2017, David was an owner and director of Studio West, a successful Motion Picture Production Facility in Auckland. |
Secretary, James Brookes James is one of the founders of Auckland’s Department of Post, and is the post supervisor for up to 15 major film and television productions annually. Over the years he has become known for his collaborative nature, working to ensure that every producer is empowered and enabled to access the best technology, resources and expertise our region has to offer, regardless of scope or budget. James Brookes endeavours to unite the screen production community, towards the common goal of working together to create a stronger regional Film sector across Auckland. |
Executive Officer, Amber Wakefield Amber joined the FAI team in 2019, with twenty years of experience in the screen industry, she brings with her wide experience in production, transport, and locations on international feature films and dramas. A passionate advocate for the industry with a comprehensive understanding of the New Zealand screen infrastructure and ecosystem. Amber is also the Executive Officer of the New Zealand Cinematographers Society (NZCS). Her knowledge of the industry and extensive network means she is ideally placed to help FAI reach its goals. |
Graham Dunster, Board Member Becoming an actors agent has given Graham the opportunity to work with innumerable talented individuals across the industry and to represent many actors and actresses, some of whom have gone on to reap national and international acclaim. Graham kickstarted both the now defunct NZ Agents Guild and its replacement the Actors Agents Association of NZ, of which he is the current chair. He has been a board member of Film Auckland for the past decade. |
Kristian Eek, Board Member Kristian is a producer and production manager with 20 years experience in the NZ feature film and commercial industry. While he currently mostly works in commercials, he has worked on several Hollywood blockbusters while also producing and line-producing multiple NZ feature films and short films. His credits include Beyond The Known (Feature - Producer), The Most Fun You Can Have Dying (Feature - Line-Producer) and Manurewa (Short - Producer). Kristian is a current APA (formerly NZAPG) board member. Over the last few years he has worked closely between the industry and Screen Auckland to improve access to and permitting of council controlled locations. |
Taulua Moimoi, Board Member Taulua brings to the table over 20 years experience in the Film Industry working with Local and International Film Productions, in Locations; as both a Location Scout and Location Manager. She also brings a love of storytelling, and a passion to see these stories told through Film and Television, and facilitated well, within the Auckland region. |
Clayton Tikao, Board Member Clayton is a vastly experienced Location Manager and Scout who has worked on numerous reputed films and TV series. Clayton helps liaise with local communities and builds strong relationships with them that eventually ensures the smooth functioning of various operations on the sets of a film. His incredible experience in alleviating the various complexities involved to bring a film production into fruition and is why his expertise is sought after for national productions. An excellent communicator on multiple levels, Clayton also serves on industry working group (IWG) for Sites and Places of Significance to Mana Whenua. |
Kay Howe, Board Member Kay is an owner of Studio West, a motion picture production facility in West Auckland. Kay’s background includes 30 plus years in the tourist industry growing a rental vehicle business by building a network of agents around the world. She served on national industry boards for both the Rental Vehicle Industry and the NZ Tourism Industry Association as well as the board of Tourism Holdings Ltd, the largest tourism provider in New Zealand. Kay and her son purchased Studio West in 2015 where she has overseen the expansion of the business with a new sound stage and office block. While a relative new comer to the screen industry, Kay enjoys the challenges and brings both financial and governance skills to the board. |
Daniel Watterson, Board Member Daniel is a stage and screen actor, cited for his passion, authenticity, charisma, and commitment to craft. Daniel also practiced law as a Barrister and Crown Prosecutor, appearing as sole counsel in many criminal jury trials, and many contentious commercial cases. He now runs the screen industry legal business Watterson Entertainment & Legal (W.E.L). Daniel has a passion to empower young players in the screen industry to evaluate and find a voice about difficult questions and is excited to bring some fresh and energised ideas and perspectives to Film Auckland's mahi. Besides being an industry actor, and specialist industry legal advisor, he is a member of Equity, and ESAA (Emerging Screen Alliance Aotearoa), and also works closely with SIGANZ, who share his desire to empower, educate, and equip 'whole-industry'. |
Mel Turner, Board Member Mel is a Producer with over 200 screen time hours experience in her 25-year career. She has held a broad range of roles in both feature and series, amassing a body of work firmly immersed in physical production and almost exclusively for international projects. Well-respected and recognized in her field, Mel is dedicated to assembling well-considered creative and technical teams who can deliver world-class results on and off the screen. Mel's commitment to collaborative communication and expert knowledge is fundamental to nurturing the best work environment for creating highly functional productions and successful outcomes on and off the screen. |
Morgan Leigh Stewart, Board Member Morgan is a film & TV producer based in Tāmaki Makaurau. She's been a part of the Aotearoa screen industry for over 10 years, and has worked across all scales of productions, in festivals (such as MIFF and Doc Edge), for screen organisations (Film Auckland and Screen Auckland) and has run 'The Hot House' production company for the past decade. Morgan has a focus on connection, information, and advocacy for all sectors of the screen industry, and firmly believes in helping others up the ‘ladder’ as she has been helped - through education, information sharing, and official and unofficial mentoring; with the intent that all of this comes together to contribute to a healthy, sustainable, and diverse screen industry for Aotearoa. |
Alice Shearman From 2019 - 2023 Alice was a member of the Film Auckland Board, serving as Deputy Chair from 2020 to 2023. Alice is the Executive Director of the New Zealand Writers Guild (NZWG). With over 18 years’ experience in the film and television industry, starting at Film Equipment Company (FEC) in Wellington. Previously Alice was the Deputy Chairperson of the Actors Agent's Association of New Zealand (AAANZ) while she was a Screen & Literary Agent for over 9 years. |
Screen Auckland Tātaki Auckland Unlimited’s Screen Auckland supports the day-to-day business of screen productions, whether a feature film, a visionary animated gem, or a television drama, documentary or commercial and is a key sponsor of Film Auckland, contributing towards our day to day administration costs. |
VCFO Chartered Accountants VCFO are the Film Industry’s preeminent specialist tax advisors, and we are very lucky to have them as a Film Auckland sponsor. They do a lot for the Industry behind the scenes, and are currently advising the IRD on industry matters. Special thanks to Phil Gore, who manages the Film Auckland account. |